Please can someone help identify a caterpillar my cat has brought in. It appears unhurt and I'd like to let it go near it's food source.Am looking after grandson today and don't have time to look myself.
It's about two and a half inches long, as thick as my little finger, dark, pinky brown on top with little dots, some of which are arranged in stripes that go diagonally down it's body. Underside is pinky beige colour. On it's head it has a very fetching blue horn and what looks like a collection of bright yellow pollen grains. I'm sorry, I can't do photos. Grateful for any help. Thanks
And its food plants are quite a variety of trees.Your cat may have found it when it was knocked off in a storm. Elm, alder, prunus (all kinds of cherry and flowering cherry), lime, oak are all recorded for it.
Thanks everyone, caterpillar successfully returned to the wild.Not sure how much eating it's going to do - according to the link that hellywelly4 sent me, it's looking fr somewhere to pupate with that colouring. Isn't nature fascinating?