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Toilet Seat

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slinky.kate | 13:39 Sun 28th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
got a new toilet seat out of ikea,it is quite a light wood,'BUT'there is a darker gnarly bit on the edge and it looks like poopoo,is ikea having a laugh,can I take it back,i have only had it for 4 days???


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I don't know if they would take it back,its been used,i have sat on it several times
It took 4 days to notice ?
kate, they don't need to know you have ''used'' it :)
Have you still got the box, kate ?.
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oh' I noticed it right away,everytime I go to the loo my eyes get drawn to that one area,
kate , are you sure the mark was there when you bought it ? LOL
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I haven't got the box,i think I will just have to live with it for a while,anyway its from Ikea,it wont last forever,ha ha
Spray Paint it a nice pink Kate


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WR,very funny,but you made me laugh.
I'd still take it back though, kate. Just produce the receipt.
If you have guests round Kate at least its a conversation piece. tee-hee!

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I left baby wipes on the cistern in case anyone tries to clean it.
wouldn't it be cheaper just to leave note saying IT'S NOT POO, REALLY IT ISN'T
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WR I would be cheaper buying a new toilet son took my old one and he is getting rid of hos plastic one,do you think he would give me my old one back

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