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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 05:33 Tue 30th Jul 2013 | ChatterBank
149 Answers
Tuesday. It looks like it's going to be wet shortly. Wet weather gear on the canal today then!

Have a happy day everyone.


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minty, I've just tried albs, got voicemail. I'll try again when I get back home this afternoon.

Time I started getting ready to go and play Captain Pugwash.

Have a happy day everyone.
Bye Boaty xx
blimey, history lessons off boaty, wendi's doing the space station in greek, I can't keep up ..
lol lol
Need a physics lesson on the movement of wind then, sloopy?

Having asked that, there's plenty on here to learn from.......
hello wendilla

those are very informative, thank you
i shall bring her back here some time during the day to show thoe times and see if she wants to look out for any of them

in the mean time, i must now log-off, as there are some kids waiting to play games on here again

so ... have a very good day everyone -- αντίο μέχρι την επόμενη φορά
Sloopy..have another cuppa !
Bye Exc x hope that wasn't rude !
minty, I was reaching for the kettle even as you posted..

cakeboards dtc?

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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