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Mystery Accent

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KittyGlitter | 21:20 Fri 21st Oct 2005 | Adverts
8 Answers
What is that annoying accent meant to be on the Kia car advert? She says something about making people more jolly. Think I'll file this one under annoying ads.


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i think it's French.

It sounded to me like somene is pretending to be Bjork and failing miserably.

It doesn't sound French, more like Dutch or perhaps one of the Scandinavian countries.

Isn't it the same accent as the woman on the Lurpak (?) advert giving a tray of something or other to the old ladies sat around the table?

I thought Lurpak woman was meant to be doing a (bad) French accent?!

We thought it was icelandic - like Bjork! No idea why though - agree its very annoying.

Or might be eastern european - ooohhh you've started a debate here and I'm missing Robbie!

It could well be French - but it's a very peculiar one as she doesn't rrrrrrrr her r's!
I think its sweedish

I just thought I'd check this myself after a new round of ads. I've trawled from Basingstoke to Mongolia and no such accent exists, she's putting it on as a joke and probably comes from Coventry. Until we can name the voice I can't prove it but I guessed Belgium's 'sanomi' in the Euro song contest was also made up and that was correct.

It just doesn't fit any accent on earth.

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