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Loose Women Are Back

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mickthemuppe | 12:46 Tue 10th Sep 2013 | Film, Media & TV
9 Answers
There is suppose to be a cull. Who would you get rid of. I would start wilh Sally Lindsey..
I wonder who will be the first person to say get rid of them all!!


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I quite like Carol McGiffin and love Jane MacDonald. Can't stand Carol (me, me, me) Vordeman and I'm not keen on the little blonde woman who used to be in the Bill. Don't like Shobna thingy either.
Get rid of them all.;) I've had the misfortune, once or twice, to listen to these screeching harridans whilst waiting for a pint in the bar. How anybody could, voluntarily, subject their poor brains(and ears)to such tripe is beyond my ken.

Each to their own, though, of course. ;-)
its way past its sell by date,
...not on my TV, they're not. Never have been.
I agree with Kath.

Lisa Maxwell (the little blonde one) is too repetitive.
Thanks Ummmm, I couldn't think of her name!
all, scrap the programme and stick on something worth watching.
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IMO Jane McDonald was the only one worth watching, but I haven't watched it for yonks !

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