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millerxxx | 19:57 Sat 14th Sep 2013 | Technology
3 Answers
got a toshiba tv
the remote does not work
got a toshiba recorder
i canget tv channels with recorder remote
retuned tv
still tv remote will not work
but with the tv remote
i can use the menu
any idea how i can use the tv remote to get channels


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Nice poem.

So are you saying :
(1) the TV remote does work a bit in that it gives the menu but doesn't allow you to change channels. (Does it allow you to do anything on the menu- eg change volume?)
(2) you can change TV channels using the recorder remote?
Question Author
yes i can use the menu with tv rem
but if i record a prog
i cannot watch tv
check that all the buttons work on the tv remote by holding it next to a detuned AM transistor radio, pressing the keys should give you a few bleeps each time. If it does not bleep on some keys, then the remote is probably faulty.

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