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Truth Is Starting To Leak Out About The Small Mummified Boy.

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mikey4444 | 14:39 Fri 20th Sep 2013 | News
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Apparently the Police were warned about this horrible Mother but he still died...echoes of Daniel Pelka here ?


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EVERYONE surrounding this little boy let him down, including his 22 year old brother who saw evidence with his own eyes of severe neglect but did nothing.
16:14 Fri 20th Sep 2013
I don't believe that's entirely true B00.
The text used in the link attributed to the father is obviously a transcript from his tape recorded interview. He expressed genuine concern for his child and asked for a Doctor to attend his son, in regards to his physical state.
Furthermore, he gave Police details of the domestic circumstances in which his child was being kept i.e. a mother succumbing to alcoholism.
He did what he could IMHO.
The father is no hero, chilli. He was a violent bully, who left a small child with an alcoholic, druggie mother that he knew was neglecting the child. And seemingly didn't bother to ring Social Services when advised to.
Every time a case like this happens , we hear from the authorities that lessons will be learned so that it doesn't happen again .

But yet , it happens again and again
I'm sorry ChillDoubt, but I disagree. He may have made some noises about being unhappy about his son in the mother's care but I wouldn't have left a goldfish in those conditions let alone my son, id have physically removed him. He as well as others concerned should be ashamed of themselves.
I didn't say he was a hero pixie, I just pointed out that he made circumstances known to the Police and asked for a Doctor to examine his child.

As for removing the child B00, how was he supposed to do that? Unfortunately in this case he was in all probability given to the mother to provide custody. It's fairly well known what happens to fathers who remove or attemp to remove a child from the parent who is granted custody.
Some are losing sight of the fact that the mother is on trial here, not the father.
But what did the father do? If the child was dead for 2 years before being discovered, why wasn't the father hammering on doors that he had had no contact with the child? Sorry but no Social Services Dept would have ignored that fact
Perhaps if he'd made more of an effort to physically remove his son, the authorities might have upped their game and started to question why he was so eager to get his son out of there? And in all honesty, if you had a smidgen of doubt regarding the care of your child by your ex, you'd not do a thing Chilldoubt for fear of retribution to yourself? Really?

And Rosetta raises a very good and vaild point- where was he in the 2 years between the tot dieing and being found?

Im not losing sight of the fact it's the mother who's on trial here, she has to face the consequences, but I still feel the rest of the child's relatives (elder son included) must also be held accountable.
The thing about the child laying dead for two years has baffled me too.
Where was everyone, and didnt she have no-one in her house during that time?
"Apart from her older son"
Perhaps if he'd made more of an effort to physically remove his son, the authorities might have upped their game and started to question why he was so eager to get his son out of there? And in all honesty, if you had a smidgen of doubt regarding the care of your child by your ex, you'd not do a thing Chilldoubt for fear of retribution to yourself? Really?
Whilst I wouldn't dream of going into specifics on this forum, you've obviously never been involved in a battle for custody of a child or fought for visitation rights.
Every case is different. The father wanted his child examined by a Doctor and expressed concerns to Police, who failed to act appropriately despite 8 visits to the home of the child. That in itself should have alerted an officer of higher rank and/or Social Services.
All concerned have to look at themselves to one degree or another but to say EVERYONE let him down is too easy a cop-out IMHO.
you're right ChilledDoubt, I don't have experiences of it (Thank God!) however, if I was in serious doubt about the safety and or wellbeing of my child in my ex's car,e I wouldn't be piddling about with visitation rights- i'd simply take them from the ex and let the authorities try and find me!
police made 8 visits to the house when the child was alive. why ?

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