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Mm Links Results September 2013 Week 3

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gen2 | 18:00 Sun 22nd Sep 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

The Queen of Pixies was back in a mean mood this week. She gave you four challenges that all had so many possibilities that your guesses were spread thinly.

The links worth points were:


Were you one of the lucky few?
Did the current leader remember to log in this weekend?
Find out below.


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Three links were found in the first couple of minutes of play.

First was beejay1124 with FOOT SOLDIER - a choice that owllady also cashed in on in time for 2 points each.

Cupid04 managed to claim a 2 point benefit for BACK ACHE, as did fellow sufferers cliffyg and owllady.

Still at 9:03, Strix was feeling athletic enough for a BACK FLIP (2 points)

The final link held out just a little longer until at 9:17, jobjockey greeted everyone with a HANDSHAKE which, along with a single for 'Head Ache' gave him 3 points.

If you were paying attention, you will have noticed that owllady had two mentions above, meaning she was a double-hitter with bonuses making her this weeks highest scorer and hotshot.

***** HOTSHOT FOR ******
***** THIS WEEK IS ******
***** O W L L A D Y ******

In summary then, this weeks points were:

4 owllady
3 jobjockey
2 beejay1124
2 cliffyg
2 cupid04
2 Strix
1 Elspeth

So how does that leave the leaderboard?

Although Paulineward failed to score this week, she is still in front - just - with three close on her heels.

6 paulineward
5 beejay1124
5 jobjockey
5 owllady
4 cliffyg
4 SHAZZA-Hewat
3 Elspeth
3 kettledrum
13 on 2 points
& 7 on 1 point

The final round takes place here next weekend and it is anyone's guess who will be out in front when the final whistle blows.

But to be in with a chance, you have to be there.
So until next Saturday,
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking
Back to normal - no points for me!

Congrats to the scorers, thanks to Pixie and, as ever, gen2.
Thank you, Gen2

I hope you and your box Brownie soon get moved out of the Novice section.....

....all they, the committee have to do (and I exhort all the rest of you so to do) is to look on:

to see just how amazing and consistently brilliant Gen2's photographs are.
Hi gen2
I think I had BACK ACHE at 9.02 although I notice at I spelt back as bach.
actually I still have a back ache
Thank you very much gen2, and everyone who played x
Sorry en2 - ignore that post - I got it all completely muddled, just like I did with the Telegraph crossword tonight (Bigmac put me right with that)
I now have both a back ache and a head ache
I'm confused, What was the link for HEAD, Gen2?
HEAD ache was the first one
looks like you might have some resorting to do Gen. You seem to have given points for both headache and backache. Not that it affects me. I didn't have either.
Congratulations to all the scorers..
Ah - that was what confused me..... sure is a head ache
Question Author
Apologies To all for any confusion.
The first link was as Pixie said HEAD ACHE which was suggested by Cupid04, cliffyg and owllady with bonus points as stated above.
All reported scores are correct.

Counting up that abundance of points had given me a headache and I mistyped the first link . . . and all that was written up BEFORE I opened the wine.

I'm still a novice at this. I'll try harder next week.
Question Author
Thanks for the support Strix.
Unfortunately, anyone following your link will only see about 3 images before being asked to sign up (free) or wait 20 minutes before seeing the next three and so on. Pity: it used to be so much more friendly towards visitors.
I found it friendly, Gen. Didn't have to sign up and looked at quite a few images without any delays between them
Question Author
Glad to hear that Christiana.

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Mm Links Results September 2013 Week 3

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