Astras again? in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Astras again?

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dilligaf | 18:00 Sun 19th Feb 2006 | Motoring
6 Answers
Considering the questions received on Astras would it not be better for Astra owners to have their own listing rather than being posted under Motoring?

Certainly puts me off buying one and since joining the answerbank . Whenever I see an Astra driver I think you poor b****r

While I am in the critisizing mood I am astounded at the amount of subscribers who need a code for their radio. I do realise that batteries do get discharged and dis connected but are all these requests kosher?
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come on dilligaf got anything else you want off your chest

Hi Dilligaf,

I have been surprised since joining Q&A at the number of Astra faults posted as for the 5-6 years I had an Astra I had no faults at all! Looking at the type of faults recorded though I do not think the owners know much about cars and most of the faults are probably from lack of servicing and driver knowledge.

Again on the requests for Radio Codes, you could be right on the car thieves finding a quick way to re-activate their stolen radios but it could also be because of thick owners not knowing much about their own cars, they have obviously not read their car handbooks properly!

I work in a garage and can honestly say many customers I personally know had radio codes in the car at time of purchase ring us up to ask for them. Anything you ask people to keep secure gets put in a place you forget.

As for Astras, I dont think they are any more trouble than any other cars, they are just very popular purchases. I get just as many Ford Focus' to sort out at work and find Ford dealers much harder to get warranty work out of.

furrycheeky-... although im no mechanic,i have owned two ford focuses (foci ?) for three or four years now,and just like any other ford ive ever owned,they have performed faultlessly. However,i did have to replace a number plate bulb for the last m.o.t. on the diesel car. I have never noticed a focus on the back of a tow truck / aa van / r.a.c. van, or broken down anywhere, im not saying that they never break down,but im quite certain that they are "better screwed together" than an astra! It may be a personal thing,i generally buy fords,to my recollection i have had a couple of vauxhalls in the past,and have never kept one for more than a couple of weeks. i recall the results of a german reliability survey on cars a couple of years ago,and ford beat bmw and mercedes in the reliability stakes! I think honda and toyota came out on top,but not by much!

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Thanks for that bigdaddycain. I am afraid you have now completly lost me.
to bigdaddycain i hope there petrol and not that new or coming up 60K as soon after that marker and there a HDI engine the high presure pump will go which is a dealer job as the ecu needs to be reprogrammed with the new pump pressures taken, Cost �600+, P.S this is a knowen fault with HDI engines that manufactors will not correct, And also you mustn't drivew meany miles as i see fords as often as other cars and also most of them in car parks at tesco ect as they put the keys on the seat while the loaded the car dropped the trolly of and the bloody car locked it self what a stupid idea, can't cars that have this function have a option of knowing if the keyfob/transmitter is inside the car!

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