Well, I've solved the code, the year and the location, but, as usual, have fallen at the last hurdle! I'm stuck on 6A and 14A and I'm suspecting it could be because I may have made a mistake in 8D. Any help gratefully received!
hi Roslyn251254
For 8D I have ?i??l?s and thought the answer was DIMPLES. I'm now looking for words to fit my thematic 6A (10 letters to include an anagram of priest) and 14A (11 letters - also including that anagram). I'm stumped so am now doubting 8D.
Any letters certain in 6a and 14a?
I've got the puzzle but not really looked at it yet, but agree with your letters so far in 8d ( from 10a accI , 19a enaL and 26a orthotS)
Thank you roslyn 251254! 14A occurred to me earlier today, so I was then sure my 8D was wrong but I couldn't find another answer. I would never have solved 8D or 6A without your help. Now I can relax and start my battle with this week's puzzle.