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At This Time.

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TWR | 22:20 Sat 12th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
40 Answers
10.20, I am enjoing a Brandy or 4, what are you doing?


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Telling Beulah to peel me a grape. Well, it is a hard life when the telly is on the blink.
Have an extra B & C Jeza, may make you sleep a bit better tonight.
Cheese and jam? That's a new one :)

Airline work Baby-Sham. I`m counting down the hours as to what I can do between now and tomorrow afternoon but there`s not much to look forward to (apart from a Sunday roast) Such is life!
What time do you head off? I don't really know what to suggest, the thought of having to go to Afghanistan is pretty full-on :-/
Still, look forward to that roast! :)
I`m not going to Afghanistan - just flying over it on my way to Hong Kong. I`d still like to be at home watching the Strictly results show tomorrow night though
Maybe I will Tony.

Baby-Sham Extra mature Cheddar with Strawberry conserve liberally spread with Lurpac butter on wholemeal bread. Delicious.
Oh what?! Pfft. There was me feeling all sympathetic to you, but now I realise you're an air hostess (right?) and just feel envious :)

Jeza, it sounds weird, but also something I now have to try :)

As for the extra bacardi, it won't help you sleep. Alcohol actually does the opposite, and gives you a restless night, that's a fact.
Sometimes it's the only thing to 'get us through' though, huh.
Don`t feel envious. You wouldn`t belive the mortality rate in this job - it`s shocking! When I bump into colleagues that I haven`t seen for ages, our conversation is about who has died.
Maybe you're right. I had a terrible dream last night and had to get up for fear it would return. I am now knackered.
Really?? :-/ Why is that the case?
Oh Jeza, that's horrible :(

All that mature cheddar won't help mind! :) I do hope you sleep a bit better tonight. x
Thanks BS so do I.
TWR, so sorry to hear of the death of your brother, glad though that you were with him at the end. x

Having a glass of Red wine having done a big online Tesco shop.
Nobody really knows. Maybe radiation, maybe sleep deprivation, maybe being exposed to fire retardents/lots of electrical equipment etc - who knows? Studies have been done but not with large enough participants.
What about the exposure to the aluminum and other elements in the trails, has that ever been talked about?
BIL sent me the remnants of his lottie.
Green tomatoes, onions, chillies, a marrow.... I added a few bits and put the pot on... seriously fab chutney!
Great with cheese and crackers.
Sorry to hear that about your sad loss, TWR, many condolences.
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Just logged on, thank you Tony.

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