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He's Probably Doing This So That He Can Write A Book About His Experiences When The Years Up...

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sandyRoe | 19:39 Wed 16th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
Are there people having to live in the same frugal manner because of necessity?


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I seriously don't understand how spending £14 on bottled water is cheaper than having his incoming water supply reinstated. We don't spent that much on water in our house, and there are two of us.
Hi boxtops- his metered water was only £3 a month but the standing charges for the water and surface drainage was £14 a month.
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He had a £14 service charge for the water meter and £3 for what he used. By buying the water at £14 he's saving £3.
There are economies that seem a step too far and this is one of them.
That's still a lot - I'm only paying £7 a month on my DD for incoming water, which includes any standing charge.
I also boil up kettles of water for strip-washing (meaning that I'm currently only paying £1 per month for water). I've also not got a fridge and I spend very little on heating. (I'm actually feeling rather guilty about having a 1kW fan heater on at the moment, for only the third time since it got cooler; it seems rather extravagant!).

I'll have to ensure that the manuscript for my book gets to the publishers ahead of Mr Beaumont's ;-)
Yes, but if there is also a charge for surface rainwater etc. I'd have thought though he'd still be billed for that even if his water is turn off.
Our water bills using a meter are around £30 a month compared to £70 before the meter) but the fixed charges are quite a bit above your total figure of £7 a month.
You must have some exemptions- eg a soakaway
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I moved into a flat once and found that whoever had rewired it had left the old fuse boxes intact and in working order. It was the warmest flat I'd ever had. Cheap, too. :-)
That's only for incoming water, factor - the surface water/drains are with a different company and we are billed separately for that. I DO however get a discount of £13 p.a. because I can show that my wastewater off the roofs goes into our water butts, and we use that water for the garden, car washing, etc.
.............and a family can live this way too? I gave up reading the article as it's so far removed from most peoples lives to be of any interest.
He must be paying for sewerage though. Seems a bit drastic to save £136, nutter.
Thanks boxtops. Yes, I'd have thought he'd still get a separate bill for surface water.. You did well to get that discount- I tried but the conditions are very strict now- they say that your circumstances definitely do not lead to any exemption
How much does his Gym subscriptions cost him and I don't think the remains of his dogs water bowel will flush a toilet properly!

A load of rollocks IMO.
The cheeky buggers goes round to friends houses for showers! So it's a case of he's not willing to spend on water but quite happy to spend his mates instead.
>>>I don't think the remains of his dogs water bowel will flush a toilet properly

I flush my loo once a day, using the water from the washing-up bowl that I've first used for shaving and then for washing myself, so you certainly don't need a lot of water for the purpose.
##I flush my loo once a day, using the water from the washing-up bowl that I've first used for shaving and then for washing myself##

So you wash your body with bristle's in the water after you have shaved?
UGH.......How disgusting!!!!

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