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stewey | 20:28 Thu 17th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
31 Answers
What is this, and what is the function of it?


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is this Antiques Roadshow or Flog It??
Or cash in the attic.
its a fish ????
Come on Stewey, put us out of our misery
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Some of you were on the right track; however, Paddywak and Elvis68 were the closest. The photo is of a balance-wheel, hair-spring, and regulator (notice the "F " and "S") on an "Elgin" pocket watch manufactured around 1880. Interesting answers people...Cheers
Closest? I was spot on
A regulator, to make the timepiece keep good time?
Tut, I didn't read page 2 :(
I was close a farmer wears a watch sometime
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Elvis, I wouldn't say "spot on". It's not a Swiss movement, and you mentioned "adjustment" whereas PW mentioned "balance-spring" which to me is more precise than "adjustment". However, it's all in fun. By the way, if it was a Swiss movement it would have A and R on the balance-cock rather than "F and S". Anyway, I'm off for a wobbly-pop or three.
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Thanks for all your responses.

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