Were the MPs right or wrong not to offer this pregnant MP their seat?
Even though I belong to the old school which still believes that the more able person should stand for those who don't appear to be able to stand for long, and the male of the species should hold the door open for the female. one has to be so careful these days that one doesn't offend.
Most would accept willingly whereas others will not and make sure that one knows they are offended.
"I'm reminded of the chap who held a door open for a lady to pass through. Her comment was, "I hope you're not holding the door open because I'm a woman."
His answer was, "No, I'm holding it open because I'm a gentleman"
I`m 56 and suffer R/A,A/S &O/P and always when possible give up my seat to elderly people on the bus,i stood up once foe an old lady a young man sat in the seat,no need to say there was uproar on the bus and he was quickly lifted out of the seat,I think good manners are in decline.
I will always hold the door open ,give up my seat for a woman or an elderly person .If im wrong fair enough .I was brought up to be respectful to people and I see no reason to change .I would like to see the so called politically correct people stand up and challenge those are respectful .
its nice to be polite, can't see anything wrong with giving up a seat for an elderly, infirm individual. My mum who is old, sees the same problems where she lives, so it's not limited to the capital...