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What Is Your Favourite G&s Aria

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ferlew | 22:53 Sun 27th Oct 2013 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
I just love....



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Victoria de los Angeles was the only soprano I ever heard hit the top C in the last but one note of "Poor Wand'ring One". And Owen Brannigan as Police Sergeant in Pirates was brilliant.
I don't attend amateur productions - I squirm.
The Judges song at the beginning of Trial by Jury
I love G&S, not sure I have a favourite, but I've got a little list.
I enjoy "When the Night wind Howls" and "I know a Youth who loves a little Maid", both from Ruddigore.

In a school performance of Pirates I was the Major General -- sadly they insisted on my singing the patter song at about half speed, which ruined it a bit in my, even at eleven, heart that was concerned with artistic purity.
You little perfectionist,you!! ;-)...x
Always, Gness :)

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