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National Theatre Is 50 Bbc2

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Maydup | 22:11 Sat 02nd Nov 2013 | Film, Media & TV
25 Answers
Loving it already - best Saturday night TV in ages.


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Thanks you two...I shall investigate this morning !
Thanks to people on here I have just booked to see "The Habit of Art" at my local Odeon next Thursday !

But the Odeon on-line booking system was quite the worst website I have ever used ! Going round and round in circles all the time...nearly an hour to spend £13.00 !

Looking forward to next week !

Once again, thanks everybody.
Tell me about it!!! Terrible website!

Haven't seen it yet but please could I recommend any of the nt live screenings
It really is the next best thing especially the curious incident of the dog in the night
Whilst at it can I advise anyone who hasn't seen the globe version of twelfth night with mark rylance and Stephen fry to beg steal or borrow a copy of the DVD
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Be sure to write us a review won't you Mikey? Well done for navigating t he website by the way!

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National Theatre Is 50 Bbc2

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