Toadstool, that was not what I meant at all. Quite the contrary actually. Depending on your individual beliefs within the looser term Paganism it may or may not be dark, take for instance the writings of Austin Osman-Spare or perhaps Chaos magick as an example. The thing is the decision rests with the practitioner whether to include magick into their religious belief or not and if so how to manipulate that energy whether for good, bad or indifferent purposes. Most Pagans seem of the opinion that magick without spirituality is a recipe for disaster but I know some very well adjusted Kaos practitioners who firmly believe that there is no force in the universe any stronger or weaker than any other one energetically and thus that makes us all omnipotent.Therefore that leaves you the choice of what to do energetically, light or dark.Like everyday life the choice to commit good or bad lies with you.