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Amazon Rip Off

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Dee Sa | 12:44 Thu 21st Nov 2013 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I have just seen an Amazon pop up for Ugg Boots they are asking £193.50 but I bought the exact same pair at the Ugg shop in London yesterday for
£140.How can they justify adding £50 ?plus I got to try mine on to get the exact size if you have to send back to Amazon that's at least another £6.


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It's what people will pay, dee, for the convenience of ordering on line. Anything's worth shopping around for.
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People are stupid and pay over the odds. I seen stuff on ebay for buy it now prices cheaper than what people are bidding on the same item that is not buy it now... pointless. I also recently brought a perfume which on Amazon and ebay was silly money but perfectly reasonable at Perfume Shop. People need to shop around, otherwise they really only have themselves to blame for being ripped off or they can't care that much about it.
Was it Amazon selling the boots or was it one of the independent traders? I've always found Amazon themselves to be very competitive.

Shop around is the answer.
Perhaps it should have been £139.50 but as people were daft enough to pay that price they just left it as it was.
Maybe amazon kick off

They don't have to justify it,

Caveat emptor, would seem to be the case here.
Why have you posted that link, Greedyfly?

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Amazon Rip Off

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