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New Car - No Fuel

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jaynethepain | 19:15 Fri 08th Nov 2013 | Motoring
17 Answers
Just bought a brand new peugeot 2008 crossover & picked it up today. Cannot believe there was not a drop of fuel in it!

Is this normal or just our dealer? They could have put a fivers worth in, pretty disgusted tbh.


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I always negotiate a full tank when I buy a car!
Very odd. Did you have to buy some petrol in a canister then?
Same as Eccles but they should at least put enough in to get to a Petrol Station,I would certainly let them know how disgusted you are with their service.
that's outrageous. I got half a tank with my new car as a gift.
How do you know there wasn't a drop of fuel in it?
My dealer normally half fills the tank...but I said I wanted it full, and it was. You should have asked when placing the order.
I got floor mats and petrol with my used car on 12 plate I asked though
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Never thought about it beforehand tbh. The dealer has a petrol forecourt so we bought some then to get us to our nearest sainsburys! The salesman said he was embarrassed about the policy. As we are now better informed, will know next time but, flipping heck, the cost of the car in the first place ..............
are you saying you will buy there again????????
On principal I would exercise my 14 day cooling off period (if you are paying on an HP basis, not sure what consumer rights are for full cash payments!), return it and find a different motor, nuts to them!
They put 3 quarters of a tank in my Nissan Juke.
When we have had new cars there is usually only enough to get us to the nearest garage.

I never had a problem with it to be honest as long as I have enough to get us to the garage.
I made it part of the deal along with the mats, RATTER.
Don't worry about he fuel mate, worry about the 5 grand you just dumped by driving it away!
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Woofgang .....unlikely!
I always got a free tank of diesel when driving away, meant I left the dealer with happy thoughts so I'd go back there again when buying my next car. I'd always buy nearly new through a dealer based scheme like Network Q so I get a good bit of warranty but some other mug has taken the lion's share of depreciation, and then I'll keep the car until the wheels drop off and it's worth tuppence ha'penny and there's a deal going where I'll get a couple of grand trade-in for it.
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