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DTCwordfan | 21:17 Tue 10th Dec 2013 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Now who are you going for....?

Scott goes to the front runner.....?

Mr Angry is blowing a chocolate fuse?


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I want to go to Modena - now..............

Adam is in the shyte me thinks...shame.
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Maybe not....he's been circled like a Friesian heifer on heat.
Nooo, Adam's pulled it off. Go Adam for me. Steven reminds me of a plonker at work so I've dismissed him :-)
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Gawd - that Parmesan dessert I could demolish.....
Damn, recording for himself getting back tomorrow, so will have to watch all again
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Its effing fantastic.....I want to eat there.

More seriously, one can see the impact of Alain Ducasse's training here.
Really DT? You can have my powdered sea-urchin (if you give me your tiramisu).
And still two days to go, how can they top that?
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I'll have both, prudie....pig that I am. That tiramisu is something else though.
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Adam's done it....

My Panacotta is going to taste crap now - that dish of Adam's is to die simple but how subtle.
At this moment in time I think any of them deserve it... even Steve is growing on me and he initially got on my tits.
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The three of them are excellent and I am sure all will carry Michelin stars in time; Adam has that 'je ne sais quoi' touch though....if he lets his innate taste (and creativity) mastery couple with the hidden artistic side. He's the best that they have had for a few years by a country mile, IM(H)O.
Boogar, forgot about it, iplayer?
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Believe so, ferlew

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