You can dress in any colour provided it's white.
It has air. Hence the wings for flying - no personal jet-packs (sorry).
Dogs and cats are banned because dogs poo anywhere without modesty and some angels are allergic to cat hair.
There maybe an Answer Bank but no Religion and Spiriuality section.
There are no clocks as these would be too big to show the zero to infinity numbers.
The U.S. Bible-belt fanatics, the Jehova's Witnesses and Mormons are always sick because they have no-one to whom they can preach.
The Ku-Klux-Klan are always angry because according to all the heavenly paintings heaven has no black people for them to hang.
The best things that can be said for it are: that mobile 'phones are confiscated at the gate and there is no Christmas Day where (like here and now) everyone is bullied into being happy for a whole day.
The worst that could be said is that it's extremly boring because, unlike a good film, it has no ending.
Oh by the way I won't be going, I've already booked my place in hell. It's hot but very sexy.