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Taking In Laundry

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andrew1707 | 20:36 Mon 30th Dec 2013 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers
Does anyone take in laundry or know much about it?

My wife's friend is thinking of taking in some laundry and/or doing ironing for others.

Does anyone know how much people will pay or have any tips?

Many thanks



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To give you a guide on prices, I use the 'service wash' at a launderette. I took two really big bags in there this morning. A few hours later I collected those bags, fully of clean laundry. Everything was neatly folded and sorted, with around 30 pairs of socks all paired together. That was one month's washing for me. The total charge (including use of the washers...
22:33 Mon 30th Dec 2013
To give you a guide on prices, I use the 'service wash' at a launderette.

I took two really big bags in there this morning. A few hours later I collected those bags, fully of clean laundry. Everything was neatly folded and sorted, with around 30 pairs of socks all paired together. That was one month's washing for me. The total charge (including use of the washers and dryers, washing powder and the service charge) was £16.00.

I don't currently use the ironing service at the launderette (as it adds too much to my costs) but I believe that they charge around £1.40 per shirt or about £2.50 to press a pair of trousers, with all items being placed on hangers inside plastic covers. However some places charge by weight, rather than 'per item':
Chris - what is this 'ironing' thing that you mention? Is it some sort of torture?

PS - 30 pairs of socks?
Smowball used to but I haven't seen her on here for a while
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Chris, Yes, I suppose the Service Wash at the laundrette is a very good comparison. Thanks for (another) great answer.

Susan, Don't you remember that sometimes there would be noises like metal hitting wood and lots of hissing coming from the kitchen, then mum would appear in a cloud of steam with some clean clothes that had been flattened... I think that was ironing.
I think that I tried it once or twice and then decided that it was potentially dangerous.

Now that you are at work it must be time for me to go to bed.

Chris - I hope that you and Patches have a good new year.

Psybbo - I haven't seen smowball for ages - I hope she is okay.

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