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"Your Country is experiencing debauchery as place has exclusion to extremist...including your picturesque "England" being taken Over by Radical Islam! Know. you fine well-breed English have "No Problem with Sharia's Law!" You Deserve the Very Best Islam has too offer. Then again, Only in England! Typing with one hand...due to my right hand is broken and in cast"
Are you on painkillers, Gina? Because that might explain the increasing levels of paranoia exhibited in your posts.
Can you explain the following?
".including your picturesque "England" being taken Over by Radical Islam!"
- Apart from being factually wrong - what does this have to do with my original post, with Eben Alexander, and with his book "Proof of Heaven"?
"you fine well-breed English have "No Problem with Sharia's Law!"
- Actually, I think you will find most of the British population have a problem with Sharia Law.
"You Deserve the Very Best Islam has too offer. Then again, Only in England!"
- Why thank you. Are all these - insults, I guess- being thrown about by you because someone was a tiny bit sarcastic about the US earlier? Why yes, I think they are, because you have offered nothing substantive to the actual conversation.
You appear to be one of the worst forms of christian - thin-skinned, totally committed to your particular version of reality,a world where everyone is on the brink of war with everyone else, Islam is about to form a caliphate in europe, and family stories, recounted after 30 years, constitutes proof.
At the slightest challenge to such worldviews, you fly off the handle, spam the thread,and offer insult - How very, very - christian - of you.
Once again, and for the record - How have your last few posts, written with only one hand - one can only imagine the garbage we might have had to wade through had both hands been available to you - How have they contributed, at all, to the conversation about my original post, the one about Eben Alexander, and his book, "Proof of Heaven"?