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Anyone Fancy A Natter?

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Tilly2 | 19:12 Sat 18th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
108 Answers
or a bit of nonsense?



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Your watching Lincoln later, Yilly, better use a couple of match sticks to prop your eyes open.
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I'd much rather be chatting than watching the t.v. That's nice for you, sibs.
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Have you seen it then, Yont?
Yes, it's over long.
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O.k. We'll watch Wild Brazil then and see how the little otters are getting on. Thanks for the warning, Yont.
Lincoln would be ok if your suffering with insomnia, Yilly !.
Ugly little critturs they yotters, innit?
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Them's yotters are yovely, shoota. I remember Tarka.

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