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Excuse Me I'm English!

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Ann | 01:32 Tue 21st Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I bought a nail product from the Avon cosmetics catalogue and looking on the large label, as I wanted instructions of use, I was amazed to find them in 32 different languages (yes, really!) and not one word in English! Still no wiser ........ can you beat that?


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It seems to be happening more and more. I'm afraid it really irritates me.
I expect the English know how to paint their nails, it's only headhunters from the jungles of Borneo who need instructions :-)
I have some Avon nail strengthner and I couldn't find anything either Ann it's the same with nearly all their products.
And the print! Torch and magnifying glass.....x
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It was actually some freeze dry spray to make nails dry faster after painting. When sprayed on, the aerosol sprays on the fingers too leaving what seems to be a very greasy liquid all over the hand. I was looking to see what it actually contained before I rubbed it into my hands like a moisturiser.
I tried that, Ann....found it messy.
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... but it does seem to work Gness - but maybe the skin will fall off my hands tomorrow :0)
If you do your nails when you are in bed they dry properly overnight.
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Depends how tired you are and how cold it is giveup! I have done this and ended up either with varnish all over the duvet when I dropped off quickly and my hands dropped down on the duvet or I had freezing cold hands where they were stuck out of the bedclothes!!
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Ding dong Cupid??
Then there's the danger of nail varnishing MrAnn.....☻

Ding dong...Avon calling.....x
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Ding dong - of course! Dong!!!! The pennies just dropped!

Mr Ann can't bear the smell of nail varnish ............ not that it puts me off using it, I have had nail varnish on every day for the past 50 years!!
I think there are laws regarding warnings about products in some countries. I remember seeing something about lists of ingredients on shampoo in lots of languages, but not English, as we didn't have to be warned about them by law. Avon sell to places all over the world.
The Avon products are made in Poland now, and shipped over here. It saves them a lot of money.
I don't very often buy from the Avon lady because if you do they pester you for months after with their next book and cant understand why you don't want to buy on a regular basis....... now waiting for angry rants from Avon ladies so I will apologise now and say this probably does not happen everywhere.
They don't get paid at all unless they get a certain amount of orders, so they will try to get you buy more. I don't buy from them now for the same reason.

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