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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 06:02 Tue 28th Jan 2014 | ChatterBank
136 Answers
Tuesday. It's been raining, but stopped now. Not for long though methinks.

What would we do without the weather for an opening gambit!

Have a happy day everyone.


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Will do,

Don't be doing anything I wouldn't be doing while I'm gone - I will be watching from afar.........
Question Author
That gives us plenty of scope! ;o}
Bye DT xx
Question Author
Time I was orft and getting into the correct order to be ignored.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
Bye Boaty xx
bye everyone.xx

i finally get lots of little jobs done and turn on the machine and i'm all alone. boo hoo.
Morning lady xx
Good morning everyone, you really are early birds!! I've yet to get my first coffee
morning minty. how's dad? are you still with them?

morning ducksie.
Morning ducksie xx
Still here lady....not so good his wounds hurting and he's not sleeping , in turn neither I nor mum are ! We're all pooped !
good morning lady-Janine and Minty.
Time to make a move...see you later xxx
have a good day Minty, I'm off too, just popped in for a moment, catch you later lady-janine :)
bye minty. take care - i know you willl. hugs all round. ((()))
bye ducksie. i'm off as well. byeeeee.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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