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Cleaning An Electric Hob?

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ilovemarkb | 22:02 Mon 27th Jan 2014 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
best way to clean a hotpoint schutt cerah hob. the marks wont wash off with soft damp cloth!! Frightened of scratching it !! When i have checked my saucepans two of them are ridged and sort of rusty looking on the bottom !!!!


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Direct from the horse's (or, in this case, the manufacturer's) mouth:
My hob came with a glass scraper. I also bought a liquid cream cleaner which works very well. I spread it all over using a kitchen towel and leave it for about 15 minutes then wipe off and rinse with sponge. Brilliant job.
I use Hob Brite which you can buy from most if not all supermarkets.
^^ like ladybirder, just today I bought a ceramic hob cleaner from aldi and found it just as good, was under a quid
just checked receipt, was £1.29, still good value amd just as good as Hob brite
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awhh thanks guys xxx
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my goodness that hob brite is AMAZING!!!!!!!!! mega impressed.....hob looks brand new !! wow
Realised when I read others posts, it is hob brite that I use. It is good isn't it. Glad you managed to get some and found it does the job.

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Cleaning An Electric Hob?

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