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Good Morning Early Birds!

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waterboatman | 04:55 Wed 05th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
98 Answers
Wednesday. The rain has eased for a while. Not for long though methinks. The wind is still fierce. All the makings of a not-so-nice day isn't it!

Have a happy one anyway everyone.


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Have a good'un bernie. :o}

DT I agree. It must have seemed like a good idea at the time. He did the same thing with the Dart, the railway round Dublin Bay. That's always having problems too.
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You're not wrong there minty! I'm glad I'm not going far today! :o}
Morning all xx
hope those of you in the South are all okay. Bit windy here in Bucks, but not too dramatic.
Time for me to be on the move....a careful venture out! Take care all.
Time to run round shower ...see you all later xx
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Morning pix. xxx :o}

Have a good'un DT.

Have a happy day minty. Love to mum and dad. xxxxx :o}
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Time to make a move.

Have a happy day everyone. :o}
Morning all. Very windy here in the bottom corner of Kent, but the sun's trying to come out. The street is littered with cans where someone's recycling bin as blown over -(
I don't belieeeeeve it, rain stopped and sunshine but still very cold, wont last !

Morning all from N/Kent, rain has stopped, still very windy and wet underfoot, the sun is shining, sort of, and it's still very cold.
hi balders and all who are still here. had a walk round and apart from more fence round patio down and ground even more like a paddy field there doesn't seem to be too much damage. hope everyone else is just as lucky. spent most of the night listening to the rain and wind.
sorry to learn about Minnie dee. just pleased you could give her a happy life.

I've just watched a man on TV giving advice to people who have lost their Power Supply! ? ? ?
Dull here Waterman, ready for another load of cr@p weather I'm afraid.
love that balders. so practical.
sorry where are my manners. hello balders, hello twr.
morning LJ xxx
hello cuddles. big cuddle for you as I have just read your post of the other day. must admit I did join AB as often as maybe I should.

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Good Morning Early Birds!

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