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Not Much Chatter In Chatterbank This Afternoon.

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Tilly2 | 17:10 Fri 07th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
60 Answers
Is everyone out enjoying the sunshine?


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How about welly throwing
What's a suitable treat for your beloved on Valentine's Day?
Question Author
We don't do Valentine's Day.
Dearie me (again)! I am trying, Tilly, I really am! Well, my wife says that I'm trying!
What about having a nose around on our pinterest boards:

The jokes one is quite good fun:

and we made one of underused words from a thread a while back...
Cat art?....Jesus ed, were not that bored!
I hope that's not a dig at Tilly's uglyography.
Question Author
My ography is not ugly!
I saw a couple of youths in shorts and t-shirts. Don't think it's warm enough for that yet!
your orthography is excellent; I don't know about your biography.
Question Author
.......better than my calligraphy.
What's on the menu tonight? ;-)
Hi Eccles, are you feeling better?
I've been working and so far, dropped off six children at various places. (I was supposed to, it wasn't a punishment). Just one to take to a school disco, the pick-ups and two evening calls now. Might fit a dinner in somewhere, too...
Thanks for asking Psybbo, I'm on the mend, but a bit of a way to go. I'm shattered from not having a proper nights sleep for a week :-(
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Sorry, Eccles, didn't know you weren't well. Hope you feel better soon.
I hope it eases soon Eccles. Tilly, have you disappeared too?
Just finished collating all the entries for a sports tournament..........that's another week of my life I'll never get back :-(
Question Author
I'm back, sibs. Been watching Pointless and the News.

You'll get your reward in heaven, craft!

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Not Much Chatter In Chatterbank This Afternoon.

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