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Be Prepared!!

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Caran | 22:19 Sat 08th Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
This made me jump. Media URL:


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Thank you emmie.
Bloody hell, I jumped all right, Caran.
So did I!
Don't think much of the bag either!!!!
haven't opened it, is it something bad?
Have a look, emmie.
Have a break, have a Kit Bag...........
And make it snappy, DT !.
revenge is sweet ...... will admit to spotting the croc/gator in the water
sorry, just realised what I've done, shouldn't have mentioned anything
not quite crocodile dundee, more crocodile dunin
B*gger, I just get a grey screen. What was it?
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Ferlewclick on emmies post
That's what I clicked on Caran, do you have to join something, or download something?
Question Author
Ferlewclick I just clicked on it in emmies post and it worked ok for me, try again.
Question Author
I don't know where that click came from!
The click fairy?
Thank goodness I had put my cup down first.
Bliddy hell.

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Be Prepared!!

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