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Good Night Wharton.

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cupid04 | 02:36 Fri 21st Feb 2014 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
How you doing pal. Have you ever stepped foot outside of Glasgow?xx

Have the two new moggies arrived yet?


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good morning cupid

(excuse me, wharton)
Question Author
Morning excel, how are you?

just trying to relax, so i can get to bed and sleep
Question Author
Pleasant dreams excel. x

thank you - - you too
Hello cupid pal, I'm doing not too badly and thanks for asking, I hope you, MrC, the grandson and everyone else connected with you are to the fore. T&W are still here till the end of the month and I'll be looking for new names from you for the new arrivals. My feet have been in places which I couldn't pronounce, mind you, that doesn't mean that they were outwith Glasgow!! I'll tell you some day how I was arrested in Greece over an incident concerning a cat. Goodnight pal xx
Question Author
Can't wait to here the Greek story, pal. Sleep well. xx

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Good Night Wharton.

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