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Simple Maths Question

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hc4361 | 13:15 Tue 18th Mar 2014 | ChatterBank
18 Answers
I have a total mental block. Please help!

I use 3291 electric units on day rate
1999 units on night rate.

What percentage of my electricity usage is night rate?

Many thanks


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Roughly 66% or two thirds.

Off the top of my head, 60.741%
Question Author
Thanks both. :)
about 40% ?
If the amount of units used on night rate are less than the units used on day rate, the percentage would surely be below 50%?
Now I have got my calculator handy, it'exactly 60.741%

Baldric, did you do that in your head? I'm very impressed.
1999 + 3291 = 5290 (total usage)

1999 / 5290 x 100 = 37.78%
38%, if I have calcualted correctly!
No it isn't.
Sandy is correct.
The percentage usage on night rate is 1999 / (3291 +1999), which is approximately 38%
Question Author
Thanks again.
I see The Builder and knowabit beat me to it!

Oops, misread the Question,
Knowabit is correct
It should be 37.788% of total usage
I think I read this wrong. Your total 24 hour usage is 5290, is it?
If sothen your night time usage is 37.7%

Tilly, I used my head, and grabbed the calculator, shame I misread the question though!
We both did, Baldric.
But, at night you use use 60% of what you use in the daytime. You use 40% more during the day.
Baldric do you really do three places of decimals in your head
( even if you do start off with the wrong fraction in the first place ? )
It's usually worth doing an estimate first using rounded numbers just to get a feel of what the answer should look like. In this case the total number of units is roughly 5000 and 2000 of these are at night rate. Then 2000/5000 is like 20 out of every 50 which is like 40 out of 100- so 40%.

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