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Sqad And Slaney Update..

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gness | 16:27 Wed 26th Mar 2014 | Body & Soul
26 Answers
I'm sure you have both been on tenterhooks awaiting the results of my neuro tests....I'm normal.....☺

Nice place....Nene Park in Irthlingborough....clean and efficient...arrived early was seen immediately and out early....though the pubs weren't yet serving lunch so that was a bummer.

Gorgeous doctor....Italian...very attractive....annoyingly good figure...Sqad would be drooling. She really had no idea why I was there any more than I did. I have never presented any of the symptoms she would normally be investigating but we both jumped through the hoops to please Peterborough.

I will now, as told to, make an appointment with vascular. Thanks to you both, google, my bike and acupuncture I am as fit as ever I was, with none of the walking problems which started over two years ago....that's quite good considering how severe the problem had become.
I could cancel the appointment but I really want to find out a little more about the cock up at my last visit......though if he keeps patting my thigh this time he'll regret it.

And I know Sqad won't agree but the acupuncture was fantastic....I feel ten years body feels incredibly fit and supple....I can even swing one leg onto the draining board without a twinge or losing balance...and as for running up the stairs.......even without an incentive....hardly touch a step...... ;-)

So thank you both again......Gx


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No...Excel just thinks I'm subtle....x
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Treasure it, Rusty...may not happen again.....xx
I'm normal

Just goes to show, modern medicine has some way to go
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Indeed, Jno...though she was Italian.....maybe I misheard.....☺
Great news Gness - I know how you have suffered and I am delighted you feel so fit.
Maybe now when we are walking you will be able to keep up with me and your carer? xx
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Thanks, MrsO...your turn now? Had another word with St. T.....time that lady got her finger out....☺

I have ordered turbo charged stilts.....I'll keep up!!!

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