It depends where you live. My daffs are just coming to an end and my purple aubretia is in full flower. (East Anglia) All yours needs is a couple of days of sun - what's the chance of that?!
I've seen some out in bloom, on my travels but so far this year it don't seem a particularly good year for it.
The sun seems to be filtered through a blanket of Sahara dust, hopefully it will soon clear.
You're in the Garden of England then boxy. My plum is in blossom and the cherry is just bursting through as well. I think they are happier in my garden than on the roof terrace. Not so windy.
Mine has been out for a week or so, my daffs are all gone now and the wisteria buds are full and about to burst forth. I am on the south coast but even so I think things are a bit early this year.