They are facing Russian aggression. 40,000 troops on the border and one part of the country already annexed. And the operations within the country directed from across the border, easily influencing a largely ignorant, brainwashed population, the vast majority of whom nonetheless do not support being part of Russia.
You are not quite right, sandy, about Putin only understanding one language. He also understands the language of "Money" The Kremlin is a money-thieving operation much like the regime that the people in Ukraine overthrew.
I wonder if we were transported back to Answerbank 1938 how many of those now shouting so loudly about Remembrance Day would be saying "not our business" "keep out of it"
I can understand a reluctance to get involved, but because Putin is a money man he can be hurt economically. And yet when we explained to British Gas why we were leaving them the woman on the line had no idea about the Centrica-Gazprom deal. So this one, simple way to protest is not even registering. I bet Hitler, down there in hell, wishes he was alive today. He might have better luck