Motoring0 min ago
When Is An Assault Not An Assault? When It Is A Gay Assault Apparently.
40 Answers
http:// www.ind ependen /news/u k/polit ics/wes tminste r-is-aw ash-wit h-tales -of-you ng-men- being-s exually -harass ed--but -its-fa r-from- being-j ust-a-p roblem- in-poli tics-92 65637.h tml
/// It called to mind, however, innumerable young men I have met on the gay scene over the last 20 years, men who have been abused but who do not consider themselves victims, do not attach words such as "rape" or "sexual assault" to their experiences, do not feel able to wield consent, and do not think they can complain, or report it. ///
/// It called to mind, however, innumerable young men I have met on the gay scene over the last 20 years, men who have been abused but who do not consider themselves victims, do not attach words such as "rape" or "sexual assault" to their experiences, do not feel able to wield consent, and do not think they can complain, or report it. ///
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ."These are adult men we are talking about, surely even the most naive would not accept this sort of thing as being all part of the gay scene. "
There's perhaps the point that younger men might have little or no experience. And if that happens there's always the possibility of being caught like a rabbit in the headlights. If you have no experience, you might not know what to expect, and then things can easily happen that, with more experience, you would understand either as assault or as something you didn't want to happen really. But without this experience it's hard to say "no", or to recognise what's really happening.
There's perhaps the point that younger men might have little or no experience. And if that happens there's always the possibility of being caught like a rabbit in the headlights. If you have no experience, you might not know what to expect, and then things can easily happen that, with more experience, you would understand either as assault or as something you didn't want to happen really. But without this experience it's hard to say "no", or to recognise what's really happening.
I'll type this very slowly JGH - load of pony! it's just one subject out of many thay parents may sue for, In the US teachers are getting threatened with lawyers for teaching evolution! no doubt there are litigious parents here who would take legal action over a myriad of subjects.
"prime victim was all those children who got taught nothing at all about homosexuality, and therefore went through school thinking it was something to keep secret, and to be ashamed of. " I agree 100%, shame the right on brigade decided to avoid discussion so they could make a poilitical point and failed those children.
"prime victim was all those children who got taught nothing at all about homosexuality, and therefore went through school thinking it was something to keep secret, and to be ashamed of. " I agree 100%, shame the right on brigade decided to avoid discussion so they could make a poilitical point and failed those children.
/// I interpret it as confirming the fact that some older men (whatever their sexual proclivities) see it as their right to put their hands on more vulnerable younger people, whether their attentions are invited or not. ///
Don't be so sexist, it is not only men (no matter what their age) who commit these horrible disgusting sexual assaults.
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-25 68580/W oman-sc hooltea cher-lo ve-scho olboy-l ed-bed- narrowl y-dodge s-jail- sentenc e.html
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-25 54380/W ashingt on-math -teache r-24-ch arged-r aping-t wo-stud ents-on e-just- 15-send ing-sex ualized -photos -anothe r.html
http:// www.dai lymail. ews/art icle-25 82121/F emale-t eacher- 31-face s-seven -years- bars-pe rformin g-sex-a ct-18-y ear-old -studen t-class room-se nding-p artiall y-nude- photos. html
/// I interpret it as confirming the fact that some older men (whatever their sexual proclivities) see it as their right to put their hands on more vulnerable younger people, whether their attentions are invited or not. ///
Don't be so sexist, it is not only men (no matter what their age) who commit these horrible disgusting sexual assaults.
Jim, that is exactly the pint TTT and I were making.
The liberal left disliked the Tory bill and set out to discredit it.
It was never illegal to discuss, just not to promote and there is a big easily definable line.
I wonder if now it is not a problem if it is discussed in pro Muslim schools. Or is that ok in trandy land?
The liberal left disliked the Tory bill and set out to discredit it.
It was never illegal to discuss, just not to promote and there is a big easily definable line.
I wonder if now it is not a problem if it is discussed in pro Muslim schools. Or is that ok in trandy land?
The problem with Clause 28 is that it didn't define what 'promotion' actually meant, which left schools and local authorities open to being sued merely for discussing homosexuality.
Wow...just writing that feels weird.
Who would've thought we would have moved so far in such a short time.
This is part of the reason why I think my country rocks.
That and the telly.
The problem with Clause 28 is that it didn't define what 'promotion' actually meant, which left schools and local authorities open to being sued merely for discussing homosexuality.
Wow...just writing that feels weird.
Who would've thought we would have moved so far in such a short time.
This is part of the reason why I think my country rocks.
That and the telly.