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I Know It's A Repeat!

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Caran | 00:54 Sun 18th May 2014 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
But I have just watched tonight's recording of Mrs Brown where she does the bikini wax in the cupboard. So funny I ache.


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I will agree wholeheartedly with you emmie, on Father Ted. Being brought up in Catholic household, it has always rung true for me, especially Mrs Doyle, and her endless cups of tea :::

i wasn't, i just liked the idea that men of the cloth could be as barking mad as the rest of the world, and in Ardal O'Hanlon one of the funniest men on the planet
Fair amount of swearing in this one emmie !

God, I love Father Jack !
i wasn't brought up in Ireland is what i was supposed to put,
but i do know about big families, and the Irish community, we lived amongst many Irish families, and i do believe that both sides of our family emigrated to England some time back, i have yet to establish that as fact, but i am pretty certain,
Morning, Caran.....I ached with you too.....doesn't matter how many times I watch them....☺

But careful what you buy.....the DVD special I bought was nowhere near as good as the programmes.....x
i agree caran,very funny. a bit like ''still game ''
I find it unfunny crude and embarrassing to watch not great family viewing!
I love that episode it never fails to make me laugh, the first time i saw it i laughed so much i literally ended up crying ! always cheers me up when i feel miserable
Cheers me up too, Loz...especially when she goes off script....☺
Love it.
Best episode yet,had me howling!
I love "Still Game" too. Especially the episode where they nicked a tin of salmon. Hilarious.

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