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The Lower Orders

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Quizmonster | 16:23 Mon 26th May 2014 | News
31 Answers
Boris Johnson, in his Daily Telegraph column today, described Ukip and similar political groups in Europe as (quote) "pitchfork-wielding populists" who are on some sort of "peasants' revolt".
Now, I certainly have no sort of axe to grind on behalf of UKIP or Le Pen's people, but isn't 'peasants' rather too close for comfort to 'plebs' in the mouth of a Tory?


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Mikey, //Mr Farage should bear his own genes in mind, before he criticises foreigners, which he does all the time. //

Round and round you go again. Does he criticise foreigners, or does he criticise unregulated immigration?
Don't ask awkward questions N, its plainly obvious Mikey has been well and truly brainwashed.

I would say sorry but I'm not. This constant stirring is nothing less than dishonest.
If you go back far enough we are all mongrels and that's true of most nations especially in Europe.
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TO Mikey.
Nigel Farage has no truck with Germans.His wife,Kirsten,is German born or did'nt you know that?
read the whole thing, he is right by the way, the peasants and i am most certainly one have revolted, by voting for UKIP, against this ineffectual three party load of boors.
The lower disorders - surely

QM - perhaps only you and I are aware of the irony of someone stateside pointing out the social positions of pleebees and peasants.

I thought he was referring to the leaderless bit of the peasants revolt....
and not that the then Mayor of London pursued the injured Wat into St Barts and finished him off. Nor that the guards who employed to guard Simon Sudbury let the peasants in and HE was despatched summarily as well

oh 1381 was a good year for urban violence

I think it just shows UKIP has entered the knockabout phase of mational politics
interesting family history, it doesn't appear as though he has had to claim unemployment benefits,
UKIP went beyond all political expectations,

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