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Khandro | 17:13 Wed 04th Jun 2014 | News
19 Answers
Whom is the most dangerous?


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That's MY question :-)
Okay, I'll answer it. I don't know. What do you think?
Putin, he looks handy, I guess Obama works out but Putin would fight dirty.
Dangerous in what way? I'd be quite dangerous if left at the controls of a Jumbo Jet ...
Funny question ! In what way dangerous ? Obama believes God is on his side Putin thinks he is God .

Khandro why dont you ask your god ? If he exists you will get an answer .
When you don't , that is also an answer.
Question Author
modeller; Curious you wish to bring God into this subject, it seems to be something of an obsession with you. With reference to Obama I think he is guided more by Mammon and NATO than by the Almighty.
....has nuclear weapons (not just Trident submarines) in Scotland. Putin doesn't.
Thought, Obama will soon be a past president. Putin is here to stay.
It's not so much which individual is the most dangerous, but which of their countries?
There'll come a time when America will engineer a casus belli in order to attack China before they become too powerful.
If you mean which President is more of a threat to his people, his neighbours and the world, it's no contest. One steals from his people and murders them when appropriate, ditto his neighbours, and probably further afield if he could. If Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Romania were not in NATO I have little doubt they would be very different places to what they are now.
In the past I might have said a US President was inadvertently more of a danger to the world as a whole because of the threat of starting a nuclear war, but I'd say that under Obama that seems a distant prospect. And in any case, it's a bit like asking: who is more of a threat - the armed bandit or the armed policeman.
Putin without a shadow of a doubt, as described above ^
On the subject of China I was just thinking: here we are in a world where we seem to be in hock financially to a nation which deploys a massive show of force in a paranoid attempt to stop its people remembering one of the worst mass murders in recent history.
And people complain about the EU :-)
we complain about the EU because we see what its doing by stealth what Putin will do by force.
"....has nuclear weapons (not just Trident submarines) in Scotland. Putin doesn't. "

Er, what about the ones Putin has pointing at Scotland (!)
and apart from George W most Presidents haven't been anywhere near as threatening as say North Korea's leaders, or a rogue Islamic insurgent with a dirty bomb, virus, they have the ability to wipe out millions, maybe billions in moments. Obama won't push a nuclear button - and neither would Putin, but he will roll over on this neighbours, a show of force,
as to China, they are as tightly controlled as North Korea, the people have little or no freedom, and any kind of dissent is met with untold force of arms, and are killed, or interned for good for their pains.
you have to remember who started this nuclear arms race, it wasn't Russia, UK, it was Germany early on, then as WW2 was ending, the US took up the ball and ran with it.
now many countries have some method of wiping out millions. I don't think it would be down to Russia, Putin, or US in Obama,

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