Question Author
First player, beejay1124, immediately picked off two matches, ORDNANCE SURVEY and THIRD DEGREE for four points.
That opened the 2-minute bonus window for these two links and roslyn251254, BigMac, rockfordill and owllady (for 'Ordnance Survey') and deecee131, BigMac, tearinghair, rockfordill and owllady (for 'Third Degree') took advantage of that for two points on each link.
Fifth player, Christiana then claimed LASER PRINTER (She can have mine - It needs replacing as it is held together with string!). For that she claims 2 points along with tearinghair, Strix and middlestump
The final link didn't have to wait long. Middlestump matched ROCK CLIMB at just 9:04 (2 points)
Now I have a dilemma. We have six equal top-scorers on 4 points. Do I pick one of them to be HotShot?
Better still, we have no less that THREE triple-hitters, pixie373, ulysses100 and Nibble - but all on 3 points. Who is it to be?
I really cannot choose between them, so unless a late player comes along in the next 15 mins with a clean sweep (Where are you Eccles?) we have three equal hotshots.
***** HOTSHOTS FOR *****
***** THIS WEEK ARE *****
***** P I X I E 3 7 3 ******
**** U L Y S S E S 100 *****
***** and N I B B L E ******
In summary, the point-scorers this week were:
4 beejay1124, BigMac, middlestump, owllady, rockfordill & tearinghair
3 Nibble, pixie373 & ulysses100
2 Christiana, cupid04, deecee131, jobjockey, roslyn251254, Strix, wickedtongue & x-ray
1 baza, boxtops, Brenden, cliffyg, eccles, elliemay1, kettledrum, roopower, seekeerz & twix123
This weekend, the photographic accompaniment seems to have been favourably received. I will definitely repeat this for the next two weekends but not sure about being able to do it for the final weekend due to lack of suitable source material (the pre-digital album contents have all faded!).
Until next week then:
Same time (9am)
Same place (Q&P)
Happy Linking