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The Teeth Dwindle Down To A Precious Few...

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sandyRoe | 13:49 Tue 15th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
Another of my few remaining teeth sheared off the other week and as it was at the front I was forced to go to the dentist. She pulled two this morning and another couple might need to come out if she finds they're beyond repair when she goes to fill them.
If this keeps up I'll soon be reduced to a diet of gruel and soup. Anybody have any interesting recipes, just in case?


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Sandy are you going to Gentle Dental care.

You know I went there about 3 years ago but couldn't face what I needed to get done but the day is nearing. JjCon
I'm currently making my chicken and sweetcorn chowder which can be blitzed to a creamy consistency if you cannot manage micro-lumps.
join the gang sandy 2 out yesterday 3 more next tues cant wait
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They're good, jennyjoan. You should go back. Having said that, I missed an appointment with them and went this time to a place on the Stranmillis Rd.
Just make a soup of your favourite veggies and blitz.Good luck with the dentist Sandy.
Sandy like lots of people I have a phobia of anybody working with my mouth - so was disappointed when "the head dentist" (not mentioning any names) sorta spoke to me a bit derogatory and condescending.
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Maybe I should invest in a blender.
Most veggies do blitz well but pulses don't. But that should be okay for you.
Mmmmmm - that is so good....

Aforementioned chowder and good brown bread slathered with real butter.
I had 17 teeth implants done in Poona [ the implant capital of India] it took 3 visits and half way through I would gladly not have returned, so glad I did they are marvellous and in their 6th year and still look good and more natural than the old take out false gnashers. which I had to wear whilst the work was going on & I hated them, if theres any money left in the pot go for it sandyR, mine were for my 70th birthday from my late hubby.
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I'm sitting here starving because I don't want to impede the forming of the clot in the gum and to add insult to injury I'm being tortured with delicious sounding chicken chowder recipes. I can' almost smell the aroma... :-(
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when I say 'starving' I mean I haven't had anything since breakfast
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That's good to hear, Dee Sa. This treatment is going to cost me more than £700. It's a few extractions and some fillings.
I think I'd need to take a second mortgage to pay for implants here. I remember reading it costs about £300 per tooth.
Sandy is there any way you could pay for a cuppla implants (where noticeable) on a monthly basis - maybe you could ask dentist. Good luck. Wish I had courage to go.
My dentist said the other day that "they could come to an arrangement" when I told him that times were hard at the moment and I wasn't sure if I could afford treatment.

Sandy - I hope you heal quickly. I got Dry Socket and needed antibiotics after my extraction 2 weeks ago - I hope it doesn't happen to you.
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So do I, boxtops. ;-)
Jennyjoan, I think I'm getting a bit long in the tooth for new-fangled implants.

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