Quizzes & Puzzles69 mins ago
Ground Cover
19 Answers
I have a small area shaded on three sides (garage, fence, bamboos), slightly sloping and not very easy to get at for regular maintenance. Any suggestions, please, for low ground cover, preferably with a bit of colour?
periwinkle underplanted with bulbs. variegated ivy underplanted with bulbs if you can stand the vigour of it. Hostas if you don't have a slug/snail problem, here's a good list, although the actual nursery is a bit expensive. http:// www. burncoose. co. uk/ site/ category. cfm? cat_ id= 83
08:44 Sat 12th Jul 2014
periwinkle underplanted with bulbs. variegated ivy underplanted with bulbs if you can stand the vigour of it. Hostas if you don't have a slug/snail problem,
here's a good list, although the actual nursery is a bit expensive.
http:// www.bur ncoose. co.uk/s ite/cat egory.c fm?cat_ id=83
here's a good list, although the actual nursery is a bit expensive.
Many thanks for the rapid response and great suggestions. I'm hoping to keep the area fairly low-growing, as the bamboos on the one side are already tall and require a lot of work to keep them at a reasonable level.There is also some ivy coming through from next door, so that's there already. I'll investigate the lists further and see what would complement everything best.
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I have an area separate from the rest of the garden about 30ft long x 8ft wide lined by lilac trees which have just been cut back leaving the ground beneath them looking pretty messy - ivy and all sorts of bits and pieces. I'm thinking that might do for there. There's not really anywhere else it could invade apart from an area of lawn - and that's mowed regularly. What do you think? (Tearinghair, hope you don't mind me jumping in here for some similar advice).
Use this fab website. Put in plants for shady/sunny/dry/wet whatever areas, N/E/S/W facing and get a list of plants suitable for that area.
http:// www.cro cus.co. uk/sear ch/_/se arch.pl ants-fo r-shady -area/s ort.0/
Not all hostas are subject to the nibblings of the snails and slugs… any of the thick leaved variegated types do well here in the U.S. I've seen lungwort already mentioned and it's an attractive shade plant that does well. Additionally, Variegatum sets of nicely with its varying shades of green and whites.
Hardy Geraniums are nice .They require very little attention ,just lots of water in the summer. Lowish growing and bushy ,they soon spread .Cut them down in the autumn and up they come again in spring and flower right through the summer .They don't mind being in the shade either and come in various colours .