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George Galloway Under Investigation

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ChillDoubt | 18:17 Thu 07th Aug 2014 | News
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by West Yorkshire Police for alleged anti-Semitic remarks:

Great orator and debater he may be but he's still madder than a dickless dog.


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He's the male equivalent of Katie Hopkins.
mikey: "Not sure how anybody can take him seriously after that ! " - not sure he's ever been taken seriously!

Come on now Booldawg...he is not that bad ! At least he looks normal, which is lot more than that daft woman does.
Isnt he the one who was named as a notorious terrorist etc in the US and he took a plane there and said OK come on and arrest me, where and what is your evidence ?

as mad as hell, may be dickless but seems to have b......

all the stenogs wouldnt transcribe his speech { you have no b+=ls, come on, come on, where are your handcuffs etc....) for fear of losing their jobs, thereby creating a galloway free zone in America.

No transcription then you couldnt read what he said, see ?

So the Chief of the Society of Stengoraphers did it himself and published it on the grounds it was a free speech issue.....

as even an arab might say - - - he eez crezzy man
Not by you and I TTT, but enough voters in various constituencies around the country have taken him seriously enough to vote him in their MP. Currently its Bradford West, his 4th since 1997, but who knows how many other seats he may try for in the future ?
Or this :-)
If there is anybody left in doubt about Galloway, I thought I might add this elevating performance for us all to enjoy :::::

I apologise if my last post makes anybody sick !

Rula Lenska " You just like to be alone with your Mummy" she said, as she stroked his head.

Because I live in Leeds I can easily shop in Bradford (well I could if there were any shops but that's another story)
Please could anyone supply a link to a list of Israeli goods

Many thanks
I come before you aware that I will be ridiculed BUT I declare I like George Galloway, unlike some of the slimy two faced Polititions who promise the earth & then change their minds as soon as they are elected.
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A blot on the Bradford landscape.He deserves to be prosecuted.
Svejk, the point is that people who oppose Israel's warmongering stance are often labelled as antisemitic whilst support for another bunch of semites of an equally bloodsthirsty stripe seems not to cancel out the label 'antisemite'. Does that make sense?
The BB thing may not have shown any contestant in their best light, especially when wanting to be a serious political force, not IMO a brilliant move. But I think Galloway got more flak for that than deserved. Full marks for not being self conscious and willing to muck in/play along. Takes nerve to sling away your dignity like that.
He's got plenty of nerve.Never seen any dignity though.Doubt he knows how to spell it never mind what it means.
It might take some nerve OG but it takes a lot more brain to have said "no, I won't go on this silly childrens program" in the first place.
Here's your mate Ron:
.. time for the sick bucket:

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You can almost hear the interpreter saying W T F just after Georgie said indefatigability........
i can't find the actual footage but please don't compare the two
Galloway is a no mark loose cannon, self serving and will dance with the devil if it pleased, he is as changeable as the wind, and to suck up to people some of whom seem hell bent on making this country a trash can.

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