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The Mac And Icloud

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muddlemuch | 10:38 Sat 16th Aug 2014 | Computers
24 Answers
Hi A/b's could some kind soul tell me how to. Delete accounts in icloud I am having big trouble with mine that I want start all over again thank you Rick


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its probably an easy problem to sort out if someone could sit down at the computer. Did it come from a local shop? If you do choose to buy some help do make sure that the person you choose knows what they are doing and knows Apple, many of the services are only used to windows.
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will do woof gang thanks for your help and all who contributed to my plea for help. regards Rick. ps if i do get it sorted I will let you know via this medium ?
yes please let us know how you get on and what the problem was
Once you get yourself sorted out do one of two things: write your passwords down in an a-z notebook, or make a document with them on which you can protect when you save it with a password you can remember.

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