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EcclesCake | 11:03 Mon 01st Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
Why are some people so protective of their bank details yet will a happily handover a cheque without a second thought?


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Because people are idiots.
Because a cheque goes to a minutely infinitessimal audience compared with an item on the internet, so the risk is minimal.

Remember what happened to Jeremy Clarkson when he put his bank details on TV ?
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Succinctly put Sherrard :-)

Canary, I never mentioned the Internet.
I had someone in near hysterics because I sent them my bank details so they could transfer some money to me for something they needed to pay for. If it was a risky a all that you wouldn't find charities so keen to stick their appeal bank details all over the place. Touch wood I've never been fished and neither has anyone I know.
its the same as address, phone number and so on. I share them with the people who need them, not broadside to the world.

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