for weeks now and is on her third antibiotics...she got the 3rd one yesterday morning.. Now she has a very high temp and an ear ache.? I am thinking of quincy but thought I would ask you first.? Do not want to alarm my freind, Thankyoiu Brenda
Thankyou sqad ok I am pleased I asked you... I had glandular fever in the early twenties and remember it well. but remember more than anything the awful feeling of not being able to do too much without being exhausted. Thankyou again love Brenda xx
now I do not wish to disrespect either sqad or lilacben, but, if you're friend's daughter is as ill as you infer should the girl in question not seek medical assistance,? lilacben will you now advise you're friend that it's possible her daughter has glandular fever ?
She's presumably had medical advice if she's on antibiotics, but I think she needs to go back to the GP and start making more of a fuss if she's still ill. I had glandular fever twice in my youth - it's not nice.
She has been back to the doctors three times now...the last time yesterday with a duty doctor...who by the way wasnt very nice to her...glandular fever went through my mind as well and I can remember the trouble I had. Her mum is going to keep an eye on her. Thankyou everyone xx
lilacben, her mum 'keeping an eye on her' is not going to resolve this issue. The fact she has a consistently high temperature that is not resolved by antipyretics is a huge cause for concern. If the GP won't do anything tell her to go to A&E where they may take her condition more seriously.