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Guard At Buckingham Palace

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cupid04 | 16:49 Mon 08th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Anyone know what happened to that guard who entertained the crowds by
doing a little jig? Did he get reprimanded or what??


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He should have been recruited for Strictly Come Dancing!
That is a scurrilous aspersion to cast upon the late Princess Margaret. She didn't drink gin, she drank whisky, and that by the cask load.
a Scottish drink, I might have known. True-blooded Englishmen have been getting drunk for a penny, dead drunk for tuppence, on gin for centuries. But I suppose she was doing her bit for the Union.
OH can tell you about sentry duty - you just don't do things like that.
She also did her bit for the tobacco industry, smoking Player's. Apparently at one soireé, which included Peter Sellers and Noel Coward, when she lit up a Player's, Sellers remarked, "That's a rough old fag you've got there, Ma'am". Coward was not amused!
Noel Coward? Bit of a blithe spirit he was.
Feel a bit sorry for him, but hey, he was in a very high profile job, so can understand that he really did sack himself. Silly man to lose a good job like that.
He's not only let himself down, he's let down his colleagues too. He knew the rules.
Yes Boxie, he has let his colleagues down too. have to agree with you on that!
I take it to mean "removed from royal duties". You can't be fired just like that before a full disciplinary hearing.
You most certainly can in HM Forces. He may well have been given what is known as an SNLR letter(Services No Longer Required), which can be served on you at any time during Armed Service for a multitude of reasons.
This 'soldier' may have had several misdemeanours during his short service and this could have been the last straw.
Don't forget that anything deemed wrong (twisted bootlace on parade etc) can result in a Section 69 charge: Conduct Prejudicial To Good Order and Military Discipline. This idiot may have built up a few, not seen as serious but this latest escapade may have resulted in and brought about his SNLR letter.

The British Army is better off without him.
Daffy, I read the full article too - not as clear cut as it may seem.
Currently known as a Section 19 in the Armed Forces Act 2006 it replaces Section 69 of the Army Act 1955:
Perhaps he could do the Military Two Step from the guards to the Gay Gordons.
Well, seeing as the newspaper running the story cannot get confirmation of what has happened, it's a bit of a non story.Like so many stories printed these days it's all "ifs" "buts" and definite "Maybes".
Too true baza. He should have just joined the Household Division Band, he'd have been a master at the Spin Wheel.

Princess Margaret enjoyed drinking gin and tonic, whiskey and soda, but would rather have a glass of red or white wine than champagne.

Seemed to enjoy G & T as well!
Probably taken round the back and shot !

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