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Whats your view on the Low Carb Diet ? or one you like best ?

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tiger104 | 21:59 Fri 07th Apr 2006 | Body & Soul
6 Answers

I've been on and off diets all my life and want to lose my last annoying 5lbs for good ?

As well as exercising, I would just like peoples opinions on this diet or any others maybe ?

Which diet do you find best..



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Just started "Slimming World" Well worth a look, loads of food and my doctor says he is happy with it too... more than can be said for Atkins. Check it out for your nearest meeting

I've just lost 8.5lbs in the last 12 days, eating 1200 cals per day and keeping busy. I did the Atkins once, and would never put my body through that again, I was so weak, I couldn't stand when I knelt down. x
Drink plenty of water , then drink more water it really really does work .. try it for two weeks ... Eat fruit and yogart only inbetween meals , have three meals a day .
Agree entirely with mollymandy. Would also recommend a bowl of porridge for breakfast with low fat milk and fruit. Keeps you going for ages and very few calories. Don't think of it as dieting but just healthy eating.
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Its really great having everyones trials..

I've got a big appitite, and can easily lose weight on 1400 cals, but even thats not enough for me !

On the slimming world, i love that diet but it says fill up and free foods till u are no longer hungry, so I do, and then i don't lose anything really....i could eat pasta till it comes out my earholes....

When I said low carb, i didnt really mean atkins, thats not good, just good wholemeal carbs (less off, obviously) but instead of my usual 2 wholemeal muffins, plus a bowl of porridge, plus fruit...ha ha I'm having a few rivitas instead, with a low fat topping, I always keep my diet low fat, carbs or no carbs........its not an excuse to eat a fry up everyday, thats asking for trouble..

Its daft isn't it though, the first thing i think of most days is what todays diet is going to be like....its nice doing low carn because you don't become obsessed by counting calories.....

Low-Carb diets are awful!!! if your going to watch your sugars then just eat NATURAL sugars.. Like fruits and vegies...When you eat sugars from foods that are "man made" and un-natural your body does not know how to process the sugar. Also eating high sugar/carb foods like a candy bar or cake, breads will shoot your insuline high making a chain reation slowing down your metabolic system. To make a long story short.. if if comes in a bag or package you shouldnt be eating it.. if its natural grown or killed haha.. you can eat it.. just remember every thing in moderation. Please dont diet.. it just causes the YO YO effect .. and that is so bad for your body.. If your going to start to eat healthy try doing a 5-7 day fibre cleanse just to get your insuline level balenced and that will take your sugary cravings away. GOOD Luck Tiger


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