Tonto? Not sure who you mean, keh-mo sah-bee.
As for 'made Lewis cry', you mean when he took him out with that ridiculous manoeuvre?
Nico's the one who hasn't stopped crying since Bahrain.
"That was not nice" and "Why isn't he moving over?", combined with "No, don't tell me how quickly he is closing the gap" have been uttered by only one driver and it wasn't Lewis.
As for 'throwing rounds 13/14' you are obviously the President of the Flat Earth Society.
Which normal service will be resumed in Japan?
Will Nico park the car mid-track on Lewis's final hot qualifying lap? Cry to 'Tonto' when Lewis slams the door in his face(again), ask Lewis to pull over for him again even though he isn't fast enough to close the gap or try and put the car down a 4 inch gap with Lewis taking the racing line whilst three quarters of a car length ahead?
Yep, can't wait to see which depths he will plumb in Japan in order to try and regain the championship lead, it'll be interesting!