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gina32 | 16:00 Sat 27th Sep 2014 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
whats it like with you?


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It's been depressingly grey all day but dry and 20
Sunny and 26C in the Toronto area. Absolutely amazing! Went to sit on the balcony to read and it's really too hot to be comfortable; however, I aint complainin'.

N/Kent coast, still bright, sunshine this afternoon, not unpleasant temp,
still got Bi-folds open onto Balcony, nice and quiet now the Piles have gone home.
They arrive in bunches
They turn Red
They're a pain in the ar$£

TouriSts even ^^^^ Doh!!!!
OK:) I've heard them called grockles (sp)) over there, but never Piles, unless they're from Piland I suppose:)

We're not too badly affected by them, we're right on the front between Whitstable and Herne Bay (Kent) looking across the Thames Estuary
Started off dull, then very fine rain, take our little Pug for a 10mile walk!!!!! had to carry her back, it then became very sunny & warm.

Is your Pug laughing as you type TWR?
Poor little thing is Kackered Baldric.

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